Next Meeting:
Thursday (not Friday) June 2nd
1:30pm Cantina Quilting Lounge.
Who wouldn’t love somebody guarding your safety for you? And if you’re a Game-of-Thrones fan you’ll know that Brienne of Tarth (pictured) is just that. Loyal. Does her job extremely well. Doesn’t talk much. Can wield a sword with the best of them. Works for free. How cool is that?
Sounds like Windows 10 Defender to me. What’s that? Haven’t heard of it? Defender might be one of the best kept secrets of WX. (Windows 10 in Roman numerals). Come to the next computer club meeting and learn why you are probably better off without a commercial antivirus package.
Please note that the meeting will be held on THURSDAY not Friday as usual. I’ll be busy that Friday and since I totally forgot about the last meeting (summer has kicked in) I need to make up for it. See you there!
Mr. PC