Use Your Voice – Not Your Keyboard

Next Club Meeting:
Friday October 2nd, 1:30pm
Cantina Quilting Rm

bigstock-microphone-icon-48651746Did you ever tap that microphone icon on your Android phone before?  How about sending a text message while driving?  Woa that’s bad.  Have your hands ever hurt a little from RA and thought you might like to speak into your PC instead?  If any of these issues affect you than we all might learn something at the next Computer Club meeting.

I whole lot has been happening in the tech world for connecting you to your digital life using only your voice.   So come on Friday and see what you can do (with a few minutes of practice) to make your internet life a little easier and safer.

I’ll be messing with a new way to show a phone’s screen on a big screen TV and also show off some of Windows 10 new voice stuff – called Cortana.

As always, I’m there at 1pm to answer any PC & tech questions you might have.  So see you there!
And for all you returning Snowbirds – welcome home!

Mr. PC.


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