Print Your Pictures at Walmart

Next Meeting Friday, April 15th
1:30pm Cantina Quilting Lounge

Every so often I need to print a picture.  Like for framing.  10 years ago I bought a real fancy and expensive HP printer, because, well, I THOUGHT it was cool.  It wasn’t.  I came to realize that printing my own pictures was an exercise in futility.  There were many reasons.  Additional expense, quality, additional paper, etc.  So I went a different route: uploading photos to an online service.  I’ve used Shutterfly, CVS and Walmart, Walgreen and probably a few others..  I think it’s a better way to go.

Contrary to what everyone might think I’m NOT a digital-only guy.  Sometimes the analog world is great.  And printing pictures using somebody else’s ink, printer, time and hassle seems to me to be a perfect mix.

So come to this Friday’s meeting and watch how it’s done.  And print pictures at Walmart for $0.09 each.

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