I’ve got three PCs running Windows 10 now. And I would have to say I’m going to give it a solid A-.
The only issue (not caused by me – ’cause I never read the instructions) was on on Cindy’s Toshiba laptop. The Samsung laptop I use for the Club meetings had zero issues, as did my Dell Zino desktop that I use as a printer server.
dThe Toshiba laptop ha an issue you should be aware of if you have one. That laptop has a touchpad and a specialized driver (or layered additional software) to do fancy things on the pad. Like pinch to zoom, two finger drag/scroll, etc. The laptop would boot but pretty soon the touchpad mouse would freeze. I read online in 2 places that removing the ELAN software from Settings would do the trick and it did… Once I plugged a USB mouse into the laptop that is.
I’m pretty sure the issue was with the ELAN s/w interfering with Windows 10.