I’m very sorry about missing Friday’s computer club. I was a month off on my twice-a-month schedule. To compensate for your wasted time there will be COOKIES & DRINKS at the next meeting on October 17th. Woohoo!!!!
The October 17th meeting will be all about Word Processing. If you’d like to make and print a nice document then this is the class for you. Be sure to download a free version of LibreOffice software here. This is not Microsoft Office. It’s a free version of compatible software created by 100’s of programmers all over the world who donate their time for free.
For the class, it would help if EVERYONE who has a laptop bring with them with THE SOFTWARE ALREADY INSTALLED. It’s easy, but the LibreOffice package is quite large and may take 15-20 minutes to install so doing it in class is not an option. I will supply extra power cords.
If you try to install it and it’s not working give me a call 494-2847. It should be fine for any version of Windows.