This morning I woke up and realized that it was July 29. THE DAY. This is the day that my laptop will get a final update to Windows 10.
So I turned it on, and it SEEMS that I am now running the official release. It’s hard to tell because the way I would have figured this out in the past is no longer available. Start->My Computer->(right click) Properties. The My Computer Start menu option is gone. Good because it was dumb anyway. I’m sure I can figure it out but what this really means is that this is the LAST MAJOR WINDOWS RELEASE from Microsoft. Since there will be no Windows 11 I guess it doesn’t matter anymore. But I digress…
Windows 10 is going to solve 100% of the frustrations you have had with Windows 8 and 8.1. If you were comfortable with Windows 7 and were mad every time you turned on your version 8 PC – then your wait is over. Well, actually you’ll need to wait a little while longer.
I’m not sure when YOUR upgrade will occur. I got mine today because I was one of 5,000,000 beta testers. Remember you only reserved your spot. But I’ve read that everyone that has reserved a spot so far will get the upgrade in 4-6 weeks or less. And this actually is a good thing. It’s good because Microsoft will be spending lots of time between now and then doing tweaks to W10 so it runs correctly on your machine. So waiting a little while is a good thing.
[note: please let me know as soon as you upgrade. I’d like to see how it goes.]
I’ll be playing with the final release up to the date of the next Club meeting in Aug. I’m sure I’ll have it all figured out by then and give everyone a nice overview.
Windows 10… Yeah!