Category Archives: Hardware

Surge Protectors & Battery Backup

Next Meeting:

Friday Oct 7th – 1:30PM
Cantina Quilting Lounge

This topic is a repeat from a lightly attended computer club meeting this summer.  If you come you’ll learn all about how surge protectors REALLY work (a lot of this was news to me) and which ones to buy.  Also we’ll cover a similar topic concerning battery backup for your TV, router, PCs, home phones and other devices.

I guess since we have a wee bit of a storm coming this is a good topic to get up to speed on.  You’ll leave with recommendations of what to buy and how much to spend.

As always,  I’ll be there before 1pm to answer any tect questions you might have.

PS.  I plan on having a class in November on advanced image editing.  Before that class you’ll need to install GIMP the free Photoshop-like app on your laptop because you’ll need your laptop for that class.  Go to and click on Downloads and then Microsoft Windows to get the right version.