Category Archives: Calendar

2014-2015 Club Calendar

Club Calendar
Hello Everyone! As of now, this is the Computer Club topic schedule I’m working with. We may have interruptions, travel (by me) or other unforeseen events causing a meeting to be postponed. If so, I’ll be posting a new schedule when that happens.

— Mr. PC

October 17 – Intro to Word Processing
With refreshments! Woohoo! This club session is for everyone who would like to do word processing or just get a little more comfortable with it.  We’ll cover the basics like test styling, Tabs, Indents, Line spacing, Paragraphs and everyone’s best friend – Tables.  Oh Yea!  This one will be fun!

November 7 – Avoiding Malware & Viruses
Mr. PC getting closer to understanding why so many people in the park allow bad stuff to happen to their PCs.  So this class will be all about four things.  Making and creating a safe browser home page, using the correct search engine, removing toolbars and how to recognize and deal with a nasty pop-ups.  Just so you know, I’ll be demonstrating some bad stuff using some sketchy websites.  But I’m game!

November 21 – Intro to Spreadsheets
The spreadsheet has been around for 5,000 years.  Yup, it’s true that the first form of writing was meant to allow accountants in Mesopotamia to keep track of grain.  But you can use spreadsheets to keep track of all sorts of things.  This club session will show you the basics of how a spreadsheet works and how to do basic math on a column of numbers.  If folks are interested we can have a follow up class to learn how to use spreadsheets to create a family budget.

December 5 – Smartphone & Tablets 101
In my travels in the park I’ve seen quite a few people with Android phones & tablets and I’ve also seen A LOT of iPad Minis.  This club session will be for everyone who wants to learn a little more about how they work and also for those considering getting one.  I don’t have a new iPad so if someone brings one I can demonstrate the differences.

December 19 – Using the Internet & your PC to watch TV
I’ve given this popular talk twice during the slow summer months.  It’s one of the most exciting topics based on the responses I’ve gotten.  So it’s time to do it for everyone.  Not to be missed!

January 2 – Potpourri

January 16 – Advanced Gmail
This session was also presented over the summer and I know people would like to see it again.  I’ll be showing some the best features of Gmail that are a little hard to understand.  Labels and Filters.  And we’ll also be showing how to fetch mail from another address you own, like AOL or embarqmail into Gmail so you can use the worlds best email program for EVERYTHING!

February 6 – All About Maps
I love maps.  I have since I was a kid.  For about 10 years now there have been some excellent tools available online to help with your mapping needs.  In this session we’ll learn how to use Google maps like a pro – find places, get directions and plan your travel routes and more.  If time is permitting, we might even dabble a little with Google Earth, the mommy and daddy of Google maps.

February 20 – Windows 10
I’m hoping to get a preview copy of Windows 10 in advance of the meeting.  If not, I’ll have plenty of screen shots and information about what is coming next from Microsoft and how it matters to you.

March 6 – Using Ubuntu Linux instead of Windows 10
Did you know that the world’s most popular operating system is NOT Windows.  It’s true. That award goes to Linux which has been around since 1991.  As of January 2015, I’ve helped about a dozen or so Arcadia Village members fix their PC problems by installing something other than Windows on their PC.  If all you need your PC for is to surf the web, print and play solitaire then running Linux instead of Windows might be just the ticket for you.  Linux is much faster and more secure than Windows and suffers much, much less from malware and viruses.

March 20 – Using Dropbox – My favorite (free) cloud storage tool. Editing photos like a pro for free with the GIMP.

April 3 – No Class (If I’m hiking in Virginia)

April 17 – No Class (If I’m still hiking in Virginia)

May Start of
Once-a-Month-1st Friday Only
Club Meetings

May – Maintaining and Keeping Your PC in Tip-Top Shape
There’s a lot of stuff you can do to keep your PC humming along.  But it’s not all in the software sometimes you gotta treat your PC hardware right too.  Free Food!!!!

June – Intro to PCs and Windows
I’ve never had a truly basic class for PCs and Windows.  So if you are really needing a beginners class this one is for you.  We’ll talk about all the important stuff like the keyboard, trackpad, adding a mouse, turning the PC on and off properly, connecting to other WiFi networks (like in the Super8 on your summer trips), logging into your PC, how to control your screen, find and start applications.  Stuff like that.  AND THERE WILL BE PRETZELS!!!

July – Topic TBD

August – Topic TBD

September – Topic TBD

October – Start of Twice-a-Month – 1st & 3rd Friday Club meetings