Become An Astronomer!!

Stellarium Screen

Club Meeting:
Friday April 19th
1:30pm – Cantina Quilting Lounge

Did you ever wonder what that star or planet or weird object was in the night sky?  Or wonder if you are looking at the Big Dipper?  Well wonder no more with a program called Stellarium.  If you want to install this software yourself go to and click on the correct Windows version you are running.  If you are on Windows 10 click on the 64-bit version.  Otherwise click on the 32 bit version.  Once the file is downloaded to your Downloads folder, click on it to install.  Then come to the meeting.  Downloading is optional and I can help you do it if you come early.  Woohoo!

Give Neil Degrasse Tyson a run for his money! Learn something new!

As usual I’ll be there early, about 12:30 to setup and answer any questions you might have.

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