Author Archives: Mr. PC

The New PCs Are Here

hp_pavilionwave_q4_fy16_ksp2_prdt3Next Computer Club Meeting:
Friday Nov 18th 1:30pm
Cantina Quilting Lounge

If you haven’t noticed, you have a lot more options when it comes to buying a PC these days.  It’s no longer just a choice between some boring tablet, laptop or desk side.  Now you can buy PCs that fit your computing lifestyle.  There have never been more choices.

If you are thinking of buying a new computer for the holidays come to the meeting and learn about a whole new class of beautifully designed PCs that just might be a better fit for you.

As always I’ll be there between 12:30 & 1:30 to answer your questions about anything PC-related.

See you there!
Steve – Lot #592