Author Archives: Mr. PC

Using Our Facebook Group

Next Computer Club Meeting
Friday Nov 15th, 1:30pm Cantina Quilting Rm

Is Facebook bumming you out?
Want to get the most out of our Facebook Group?
Would you like to know how the whole thing runs?

If *ANY* of these questions are interesting to you then come to this session.

If you come…

  • You’ll learn the do’s and dont’s about how to post and edit something something
  • You’ll learn the kind of content we are looking for and more importantly, the kind of content that really isn’t appropriate
  • You’ll learn about the tools the admins have to correct bad behavior and keep the site fresh and interesting
  • You’ll get a chance to review the group rules and discuss possible changes

I’m usually there to setup and answer *ANY* technical question at 12:30, except when I get invited to lunch and I completely forget about computer club and leave 10 people twiddling their thumbs for 15 minutes which I apologize profusely for. So to make amends I will bring freshly made cookies to this meeting.