Next Meeting – Friday Mat 17th
Cantina Quilting Lounge
12:30 – 2:30pm
Today we’ll be having a low-key meeting to get you ready for next month’s image editing class. Next month I’ll be showing how to (easily) do some way-cool image editing using some FREE but advanced image software.
I’ll be there at 12:30 to discuss any tech issue you might have so bring your laptop and I’ll help you install the image editing software. I prefer to have everyone get the software on their laptops BEFORE next months meeting so we can do more than install software.
Here’s what you’ll be able to do after the meeting:
1. Crop and Resize
2. Apply effects
3. Remove & replace people from images
4. Enhance an image (photoshopping)
5. Learn how to organize your image files for editing.
This will take up a full 90min+ next month so everyone needs to be able to run the software at the start of the class. Bring your laptop.
Instructions for installing the GIMP software can be found here.