Next Meeting:
Friday Dec 16th 1:30pm
Cantina Quilting Lounge
I’m pretty sure most people think of artificial intelligence (AI) as the stuff of the future and science fiction. Think again. It’s here and you bump into it nearly every day – whether you have a PC and are on the internet or not. AI is everywhere and it’s about to become an even greater presence in our lives.
If you come to the meeting you’ll learn a little about the two main kinds of AI – Generalized AI (like HAL in 2001) and Specific AI (like IBM Watson’s medical diagnosis machine).
Also, during the presentation I plan to make use of some really cool AI-ish (is that even a word?) technology that you buy and use to day.
– Steve
ps. as always I’m there early (about 12:30pm) to setup and answer any questions you might have.