Becoming a Facebook Expert


Next Meeting:
Friday Dec 4th – 1:30pm
Cantina Quilting Lounge

There was a time when I wasn’t an avid or even active Facebook user.  But when I was asked by my high school reunion committee to set one up I dug into it pretty hard and now I think I know enough about it to have another Computer Club meeting on it.

So this Friday I’ll be covering some of the INS and OUTS of Facebook.

  • How set up your profile and be SAFE
  • How to turn off the flood of annoying FB email you might be getting
  • How to upload a picture
  • How to deal with annoying FB addicts who post reams of drivel all day long
  • How to deal with your religious cousin who won’t stop sending you all THAT stuff

And lots more stuff of course.

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