Computer Club News

VillagePeople78Hi There Village People,

I haven’t posted anything to the Club website for a while.  So I thought some nerdy ramblings were in order.  If nothing other than to get Jack to resond with something pithy.  But I digress.

The last three meetings were fun.  We did a session on Word Processing in late October and in November, a long class on how to Avoid Malware and last Friday we took a spin with the basics of Spreadsheets.  In the spreadsheet class we did a sample car loan calculation, then a basic home budget and finally a sheet for keeping track of golf scores.  Yes, I geeked out with probably too much info on the Standard Deviation, but hey, it’s useful to see who might be sandbagging.  I’m still working on the self-help guide to avoiding malware.  But I want it to be perfect so it may be a while.

The next class is for all you folks who would like to get a little more comfy with your smartphone or tablet.  I have experience with all sorts of these things so if you have questions be sure to bring yours.  I’ll be giving some basic lessons by using the camera on my laptop and projecting it to the screen.  That should be fun.  I hope.  This class might also be good for anyone THINKING of getting one for Christmas and might be looking at an Apple or an Android.  We can discuss pros and cons of each.

See you all Dec 5th.
Mr. PC – A.K.A Steve Hanlon


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