Next Meeting
Friday June 5th
1:30 PM
Cantina Quilting Rm
Remember that I get there at 1:00pm to answer any questions you might have before the meeting starts. At 1:30 we’ll start with a general Q&A that everyone can participate in, then go into the topic of the day, which, in this case is the agenda for next year.
With end of the spring season summer is officially in full swing. For you snow birds that means temps in the mid 90s from now until October. Like a bear coming out of hibernation it’s time again to come up with some interesting topics for the computer club. I try to offer a wide array of topics to match what people need and would be interested in. Some topics are ALWAYS worthy of repeating.
Agenda ideas for 2015-2016
Installing Windows 10 on your laptop and desktop
According to Microsoft, Windows 10 will be released this summer. Probably before all of you return. For Microsoft this is a very big deal. You will be sure to see a huge media blitz when this is available. I can imagine multiple computer club meetings on the Windows 10 topic throughout the year.
Getting comfortable with Windows 10
Once you get Win10 installed we’ll have a class or two on getting the most out of it and using some of it’s fun features
Getting the most out of Facebook
I hate to admit it – but I’ve become a heavy Facebook user. And in typical Mr. PC style, I’ve dug into many of Facebook’s features and capabilities. This might wind up being a two part class like I did before.
Knowing how to reset your browser
I’ve come to realize that 99% of all the viruses and malware we get here in the park stems from the fact that your browsers (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome) have become corrupted and misconfigured. This class will come with a wicked awesome handout that you can print at home to walk you through the steps. I’ve been working on this handout FOR MONTHS!
How do Anti-Virus Programs really work?
The bad news is that most AV programs won’t keep you safe. The bad guys are just too sophisticated. Knowing a little of how an AV program works combined with resetting your browser (see above) will keep you safe.
Cutting the Cord – An Arcadia Village residents guide to getting rid of cable TV.
DishTV, DirecTV, Comcast and Prism are all way too expensive. I cut the cord and ditched Prism in March and I have never been happier. If you are open to learning a few new tricks with your PC and TV – I might be able to save you $1,000 per year.
How to manage your web bookmarks with Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome
I hate bookmarks. I just type in the web site address. Hey this works for me, but I know plenty of people rely on bookmarks a lot. So knowing how to manage them will make things easier for you.
Advanced image editing for free
Every person in Arcadia Village has some kind of digital camera. And there probably isn’t one picture taken that couldn’t use some tweaking. This session will give you the tools to do some amazing things your grand kids never thought possible.